Action verbs
Positive action verbs should be used throughout your CV and cover letters to promote your achievements. They help make a strong impression. Here is a list of powerful action words.
Accomplish | Control | Familiarize | Monitor | Represent |
Achieve | Cooperate | Formulate | Motivate | Research |
Act | Coordinate | Generate | Negotiate | Resolve |
Adapt | Correct | Govern | Obtain | Review |
Administer | Counsel | Guide | Operate | Revise |
Advertise | Delegate | Handle | Order | Scan |
Advise | Demonstrate | Hire | Originate | Schedule |
Analyze | Design | Identify | Oversee | Screen |
Apply | Detail | Implement | Perceive | Select |
Approach | Determine | Improve | Perform | Serve |
Approve | Develop | Increase | Persuade | Solve |
Arrange | Devise | Index | Plan | Speak |
Assemble | Direct | Innovate | Present | Staff |
Assess | Distribute | Inspect | Preside | Stimulate |
Assign | Draft | Install | Process | Summarize |
Assist | Edit | Institute | Produce | Supervise |
Attain | Employ | Instruct | Program | Support |
Budget | Encourage | Integrate | Promote | Survey |
Calculate | Enlarge | Interpret | Publish | Synthesize |
Catalogue | Enlist | Interview | Qualify | Systematize |
Chair | Establish | Introduce | Raise | |
Clarify | Estimate | Invent | Recommend | |
Collaborate | Evaluate | Investigate | Reconcile | |
Communicate | Examine | Lead | Recruit | |
Compare | Exchange | Maintain | Rectify | |
Compile | Execute | Manage | Reduce | |
Complete | Exhibit | Market | Relate | |
Conceive | Expand | Mediate | Renew | |
Conduct | Expedite | Moderate | Reorganize | |
Contract | Facilitate | Modify | Report |